Our Mission is to be effective instruments of God's peace, bearers of God's love and advocates of God's justice, near and far, for those who are deprived of their human rights and the ability to meet their own needs.
Jesus said, “I was hungry and you gave me food... I was naked and you clothed me. I was ill and you … looked after me. I was in prison and you came to see me...”
-Matthew 25:35-36
Missions Supported By UCT
Click the titles below to learn more about our ministries.
Bread for the World: This organization is a collective of Christian voices urging our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad.
Climate Change Task Force: This task force is dedicated to helping with climate change and going green.
Fuller Center: This non-profit organization promotes partnerships with others to repair and rehabilitate owner-occupied homes of people in need.
Grace Mission: This Christian community was founded with a vision of planting a radical kind of ministry that was and still is focused on worship, while crossing racial, social, and economic lines to minister to the whole person.
Human Trafficking: Our church helps the Survive and Thrive Advocacy Center (STAC) in its ongoing efforts to care for survivors and shut down local instances of human trafficking.
Hurricane Relief: UCT gathers supplies, food, and funds to aid those who have been in the path of hurricanes.
Restorative Justice: Our church supports the healing of deep wounds caused by crime, helping both perpetrators and victims to get beyond the scars.
Shelter Meals: UCT helps the Kearney Center by providing a meal for the homeless once a month which involves: bringing in food items, prepping food, cooking the meal, and serving it to those at the center.
UCT Miracle Walkers: UCT organizes the Dance to Cure Cancer and the Lumineers Walk to offer support for all those who have lost someone to cancer.
Other Missions
Other justice and human suffering social justice issues UCT supports include: Jobs for Re-entry Prisoners through the Big Bend Coalition, peace and interfaith understanding with the Tallahassee Islamic community, support for undocumented immigrants and refugees through the International Rescue Committee, and work with Tallahassee Citizens Against the Death Penalty.
Join us in supporting and engaging in these ministries.