Our Mission is to be effective instruments of God's peace, bearers of God's love and advocates of God's justice, near and far, for those who are deprived of their human rights and the ability to meet their own needs.
Jesus said, “I was hungry and you gave me food… I was naked and you clothed me. I was ill and you… looked after me. I was in prison and you came to see me…”
-Matthew 25:35-36
Missions Supported By UCT
Click the titles below to learn more about our missions.
Bread for the World: A collective of Christian voices urging decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad.
Capital Area Justice Ministry: A coalition of around 20 Tallahassee congregations seeking equality and justice in our community. Current issues include: affordable rental housing for very low-income families, gun violence, and civil citations instead of arrest for youthful offenders.
Carpentry Ministry: Work with FL Cares to build ramps and accessible half-steps for mobility-impaired individuals.
Grace Mission: This mission of the Episcopal church provides services for poor and unhoused individuals, including meals, showers, clothing, etc.. UCT prepares Sunday dinner every third Sunday of the month and collects clothing and other necessities for Grace Mission.
Environmental Justice: UCT's Green Team allies with ReThink Energy Florida and other local organizations to prevent and reduce the impacts of Climate Change, and to educate Floridians on what we all can do.
Human Trafficking: UCT supports the Survive and Thrive Advocacy Center (STAC) in its ongoing efforts to care for survivors and shut down local instances of human trafficking.
Hurricane Relief: UCT gathers supplies, food, and funds to aid those who have been in the path of hurricanes.
Restorative Justice: UCT supports Community Connections and Connection First, organizations that seek to cultivate peace, accountability and healing through facilitated conversations among remorseful offenders and those they have harmed.
Other Missions
Other social justice organizations UCT supports include:
The Coalition of Immokalee Workers
No More Deaths (water, food and first aid for Arizona desert travelers)
Tallahassee Citizens Against the Death Penalty
Angel Wingz (a refuge from domestic violence)
Join us in supporting and engaging in these ministries.