UCT church services are Sundays at 10 a.m.

You will be welcomed at UCT with open arms and hearts full of joy!

You will find that we are a progressive Christian church that sees faith as an ever-unfolding journey, rather than a set destination. Our congregation is made up of people from a variety of faith perspectives and backgrounds coming together to explore what it means to be a person of faith in today’s world, to be nurtured in God’s spirit, and to serve others.

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Worship with Us

UCT worship services are a worship experience with a blend of contemporary and traditional music. They have wisdom teachings to inspire and equip one in “The Way of Love,” giving meaning to real-life situations.

Worship is the heart of what we do as a faith community. It is what sends us out to help others and to find restoration and strength within ourselves. During worship our hearts are lifted, and we are reminded that we are defined by a much greater force of love, God’s love. This experience empowers us to go and spread that transformative love to others and to the world.

A New Way

Here at UCT, we envision ourselves on this journey with God and the “Way Shower” (Jesus) guiding us. We emphasize correcting injustices and giving the disenfranchised a voice as we give food to those in need and offer a cool drink to those who are thirsty.

We seek mindfulness living and what it means to live in the present.

The mission of our church aids in delivering its message of God’s justice and love, and its mandate to work for the transformation of the world.

First Sundays

On the first Sunday of the month, we have communion where all are welcome to partake in God’s covenant with us. We use non-alcoholic grape juice and have a gluten-free option. A person stationed in the back if you need someone to pray with you.

Fifth Sundays

In months with a fifth Sunday, we usually have a potluck luncheon directly following our worship service, where we fellowship and engage in conversation with one another.

Join us for this wonderful time of community and worship!