Exciting news as we move forward in our church and continue to grow!
The United Church in Tallahassee has a task force dedicated to the future of the church. We work to better use the space and plan for the future.
Our Mission Statement:
“Celebrating our recent growth, God calls us to responsibly expand our spiritual growth, ministry, membership, mission, and facility.”
The Moving Forward Committee’s initial charge from the UCT Board of Stewards as we engage in this wonderful and amazing adventure:
To seek out a needs assessment of our current space and potential needs
Address short-term concerns and develop immediate solutions to our church space and parking lot issues as we continue to grow
Look at long-term options such as building and expanding current space, renting another space for a certain length of time, and moving to another property.
We are currently working on establishing benchmarks for congregational growth to include financial and member thresholds for taking additional action.
Be in prayer with us as we allow God to guide us in this new quest as our church continues to grow.