Board of Stewards: The board envisions, plans, implements, and evaluates the mission and ministry of the church.
*Meeting times are set by each committee
Administration, Finance & Facilities Committee: This committee prepares a yearly budget and reviews detailed reports of receipts and expenses that our church has each month. They provide a checks and balance system to ensure we are good stewards. This committee is also responsible for church property and its rentals. They develop and approve staff job descriptions, salaries and hiring candidates.
Christian Education Committee: This committee maintains and creates new opportunities for the ministries of children, youth, young adults and adults by recruiting and nurturing teachers, reviewing curriculum and evaluating the education ministry.
Church Family Life Committee: This committee plans fellowship and social events for the congregation, our church family. It is made up of three teams to nurture our care ministries: the Congregational Care Team, the Card Care Team, and the Bereavement Team.
Community Action Committee: This committee coordinates the social justice ministries of our church as we strive to be the hands and feet of Christ.
Outreach & Communications Committee: This committee coordinates community outreach events for all ages, sets goals for congregational growth, and assists the transition of new members into the life of the congregation. This committee is also responsible for the technological aspects of our church, including marketing, website, social media, etc.
Worship Committee: This committee meets to plan, discuss, and evaluate the worship experiences we offer at our church. They plan special worship services and make an effort to include a variety of people in our worship. This committee also manages the live stream and audio during worship services.