
Another Justice is an inspiring documentary film about restorative justice as reflected by retired Tallahassee nurse and UCT member Agnes Furey and the man serving a life sentence for killing Agnes’ daughter and six-year-old grandson.

Restorative justice includes holding crime perpetrators accountable while avenues are opened for dialogue, healing, repentance and even reconciliation among victims, perpetrator and their respective families and communities.

Let justice roll down like water, help us prevent violence by eliminating its causes and creating healthy alternatives, let offenders and victims communicate to bring healing, let mercy prevail behind the walls of the prisons, the halls of our schools, and in the justice system. We pray for the victims of crime, their families, and those who work to support them in the healing process. Nourish and strengthen us, so we may live full lives free of all that tears at the human spirit. Bring us reconciliation and peace for that is the result of justice rolling down like water.

UCT supports the healing of deep wounds caused by crime, helping both perpetrators and victims to get beyond the scars. We encourage others to watch the documentary and have discussion. We offer education and give presentations to churches and other organizations. We plan and organize forums, meet with officials, and engage others in knowing the healing process of restorative justice.


We are called to help those who are suffering by showing them radical love. Help us with Restorative Justice to bring healing to others.