Young Adults at UCT
As young adults of UCT, we strive to express a servant’s heart. With the faith of a mustard seed, we know that we can move mountains. For with God, nothing is impossible. “I can do everything through God who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13)
We are a community gathered together sharing life, love, and spiritual growth with one another as we reach out to a world that badly needs to know that God loves all people.
The young adults are involved in the worship services by helping with technology, social media, and other elements of the service such as being ushers, worship leaders, and singing in the choir.
Spiritual Formation Classes
Our young adults are a vibrant and diverse group with a passion for exploring and growing in their faith journeys together. Spiritual Formation classes meet most Sundays, from 11:15 am — 12 pm, directly following our 10 AM worship service.
The young adults put their creative talents and technological skills to good use by helping create and maintain the church’s website, social media presence, and other video presentations.
Ongoing Yearly Events
This group enjoys helping others and is involved in mission projects and social justice issues.
The young adults are encouraged to attend UCC Conference Retreats.
Other activities and fellowship they take part in are movie nights, sharing meals, meeting for coffee, music concerts, Halloween activities, and Christmas parties.