UCT Children's Programs

Our programs for children involve sharing God's love and educating the children on their faith journey as they express what God means to them. The children develop their music skills while singing and playing children's hand bells. They learn about kindness, loving others and their environment, and explore how they can make a difference in this world.

 UCT worship service is at 10 am. The children have the opportunity to experience children’s sermons and other hands-on activities during the worship service. There are worship tote bags available for the children to use during the service, if needed.

Nursery is also available during worship.


Faith Space — Sundays at 10 am

During the 10 am service, children K-5th grade are invited to be part of Faith Space. The kids are dismissed to go to Faith Space after the children’s sermon during the worship service. 

Faith Space provides a safe and caring environment for children to learn about the love of God while understanding the importance of kindness and being a good steward of the world.                         

Hands-on, active learning helps children to understand important concepts such as justice, compassion, and service while also building caring relationships with one another. This group learns of God's love through rotating classes of storytelling, arts and crafts, cooking, games, science, and theater. They have a great deal of fun while encountering the Living God.

Children’s Programs


Children's Hand-bells Choir

The kids have an opportunity to play hand bells. There are two choirs: the Bluebird Children’s Bell Choir (for ages 4 and up) and the Mockingbird Choir (for the older children grades 3–5). Children practice on Sundays during the beginning of the Road Runners Class, from 11:15 am–11:25 am.

Octave Express Children’s Choir

The kids have an opportunity to be part of a children’s choir that performs on Children’s Sunday and other times throughout the year. The children practice on Sundays during the Road Runner Class, from 11:25 am.

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Ongoing Yearly Events

Every year we have a “Children’s Sunday” which honors our church teachers and children’s promotions. On this day, the children lead the worship service and the children’s choir performs.

Quarterly, the children get together and engage in activities including bowling, skating, swimming, and trips to museums, which help the children and parents bond with one another.

The children are also involved in mission projects allowing them to share their love with others.

Other Events for the Children: They participate in summer activities, the Easter egg hunt, Halloween events, and Christmas parties.