The Care Ministry at UCT involves the work of three teams: the Bereavement Team, Card Care Team, and Congregational Care Team. These teams help express our love and care for those who are grieving, in the hospital, ill, unable to get about and around because of other health concerns, and those we have not seen for a while. We want them to know that they are being lifted up in prayer and surrounded by our love.
If you know of someone who is in need of this special ministry, please let us know.
Bereavement Team
The Bereavement Team shows its love and care to those who are grieving and need to be surrounded by an extra touch of prayer and love. They help by reaching out to families going through loss. They cook special meals for the family and give support in any way they can.
There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love. -Washington Irving
Card Care
The Card Care Team illustrates its love and care by sending cards of encouragement, sympathy, thankfulness, celebration, and thinking of you. Their words help to lift the spirits of others.
Prayer for Healing
Gracious God, I rest underneath your mighty wings of love.
I dwell within your gentle heart.
I know there is healing in your touch.
I can ask for restoration And trust in your goodness.
You are my joy, My healer and my friend.
I dwell within your gentle embrace. Amen.
Congregational Care
The Congregational Care Team demonstrates the church’s love and care for its congregation and members. This team gives special attention to those in the congregation who are ill, in the hospital, or going through physical therapy. They offer meals to those who are not able to cook for themselves due to illness or healing from a procedure. They provide transportation and pet care where there is a need and any other support that is necessary.