Adult Spiritual Formation Classes
Classes are Sundays at 11:15 am, directly following the worship service.
Spiritual Formation classes meet 11:15 am-12 pm from Labor Day until Easter. We do not meet the first Sunday of every month so committees that meet on Sundays can get together. When there are Fifth Sunday Potluck Lunches after worship, we do not have Spiritual Formation classes.
The Spiritual Formation classes start meeting the Sunday after Labor Day in September and meet until the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Classes pick back up the second Sunday in January and meet until the Sunday before Easter. We do not meet during the summer or after Easter.
The Joy Class
This group asks questions and seeks answers on their spiritual journeys as they self-reflect and share their life experiences. The Joy Class will suspend meeting after September 15 and will resume classes in January. Joy members are encouraged to participate in the Explorers Class's restorative justice forum, the Seekers Class, or the Young Adults Class this fall.
Location: Sanctuary
Leaders: Robert Britt-Mills, Peter Easton and Bill Phelan
The Seekers
This energetic group engages in spiritual and theological reflection as they converse on various topics such as books, theology, history, etc… Each week a different topic is discussed. The class is designed so each week stands alone.
Location: Rev. Brenda’s Office
Leader: Charlotte Curtis
The Explorers
This group is about exploring faith, theology, and spirituality. The first topic of fall 2019 is restorative justice, taught by Peter Butzin. The forum focuses on Howard Zehr’s, The Little Book of Restorative Justice. Reading the book is recommended, but not required.
Sessions include expert guests, film, videos and discussion that explore restorative justice as an alternative to the more traditional, punitive system. We also discuss its Judeo-Christian roots and how restorative practices can help all people.
Location: Sanctuary
Leaders: Peter Butzin and Brette Sanford
The Young Adult Group
Our young adults are a vibrant and diverse group with a passion to explore and grow in their faith journeys together. This group includes college students, young adults and parents with school-aged children. The first topic of fall 2019 will be Rev. Dr. Mark teaching the Gospel of Mark.
Location: Hospitality Room
Leader: Rev. Dr. Mark and Sarah Goodwin
Fellowship Groups
Life Stories Groups
The first Life Stories group began in 2004 and continues today. The groups provide an opportunity for each member to share their “life story” uninterrupted for an evening session and be affirmed in their life journey. Those who participate in a life story group grow into a close and supportive community. We have had a men’s group, an LGBT group, and several women’s groups. The groups usually meet twice a month and many continue to meet monthly after everyone has shared their life story. Anyone may join a group, but once one is established and membership closes, others interested must wait for a new group to form. The start of new Life Story groups are encouraged. Contact the church office for more information.
Wednesday Meditation
This informal group meets in the sanctuary each Wednesday at 12:10 pm for a time of reflection. Whether dealing with stress or just need a moment to breathe, all are welcome. The leader and approach changes each week but the outcome of relaxation is always guaranteed. They meet at 12:10 in the sanctuary every Wednesday and finish with a time of prayer by 12:50.
Book Club
This group meets monthly for fellowship and discussion on a selected book. See the most recent newsletter for the meeting location and next month’s book.
Creative Opportunities for Adults
UCT Crafters
The crafters use their creative gifts to create items to sell at our annual Artisan Market fundraiser. They meet on Fridays as scheduled.
Grateful Threads Sewing Group
This group uses their talents to create beautiful and useful items. They meet on certain Wednesdays.